Role in brief as follows:

  • Responsible for customer service and retention
  • Branch operations
  • Customer Acquisition, through referrals
  • Outbound activities.

About Us

The genesis of Indian Banking is associated to a large extent with Swadeshi Movement, which inspired many Indians to promote Swadeshi Banks in the beginning of the 20th Century. The enterprising founders of CSB Bank Ltd also found this period to be a moment of opportunity to promote the establishment of a bank. Thus was born The CSB Bank Ltd, Nine decades ago, on 26th November 1920to be exact at Thrissur,which in later years acquired the unique distinction of being a centre with the highest concentration of banks in the South. The founder directors of the bank were people of eminence known for their foresight, integrity and initiative. The policy they laid down has been consistently upheld by the successive generations who guided the destiny of the institution. The bank commenced business on January 1st, 1921 with an authorised capital of Rs.5 lakhs and a paid up capital of Rs. 45270/-